Jill Silverman Hough’s Wine and Food Pairings
When I share one of my “favs” with you, it’s for a darn good reason(s). I am always hopeful, and quite frankly, confident, that my reasons stand a strong chance of becoming your reasons.
My new favorite little gem of a book is Jill Silverman Hough’s, 100 PERFECT PAIRINGS: Main Dishes to Enjoy with Wines you Love.
It’s hardbound (much less chance of creased, mucked up pages), a great size for transporting around the country, provides on-the-spot, easy to locate information so that you may
instantly appear knowledgeable about “what foods go with what wine, and why, even before you read the entire book (if you read it cover-to-cover, you no longer have to worry about “appearing” knowledgeable.) If that’s not enough, it has 100 wonderful recipes, as well as section openings with wine varietal, and, take note of this, presented in the proper glass, or I might say, the glass that will afford you optimum enjoyment of that particular wine.
100 Perfect Pairings is the cachet book to make you feel like an expert.
Purchase on Amazon: 100 Perfect-Pairings
Find out more about Jill: www.jillhough.com